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Playground produkcija, sa ko-producentima Zilnik produkcija, Staragara and Tramal Films, sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje svetsku premijeru dugometražnog igranog filma Restitucija, ili, San i java stare garde na predstojećem 75. Internacionalnom filmskom festival u Berlinu (13. – 23. februar 2025), u sklopu zvaničnog programa selekcije Berlinale Forum. Za reditelja i scenaristu filma Zelimira Zilnika ovo je treća premijera u okviru zvanične selekcije Berlinala, na kojem su dva njegova dela osvojila vodeće nagrade (“Rani radovi” i “Marble Ass”).
January 16th, 2025
The team at Playground produkcija, with co-producers Zilnik produkcija, Staragara and Tramal Films, are thrilled to announce that our film “Restitucija, ili, San i java stare garde”, will have its world premiere at the 75th Berlin International Film Festival (13 - 23 February 2025), as an official selection in the visionary independent section International Forum of New Cinema. The pioneering writer-director Zelimir Zilnik will be making his third appearance with a new film in the official selection of the Berlinale, where on the previous two occasions he won major awards for his iconic masterworks “Early Works” and “Marble Ass”.